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One of the most brilliantly colored songbirds in the east, flaming orange and black, sharing the heraldic colors of the coat of arms of 17th-century Lord Baltimore. Widespread east of the Great Plains, Baltimore Orioles are often very common in open woods and groves in summer. Their bag-shaped hanging nests, artfully woven of plant fibers, are familiar sights in the shade trees in towns. This bird was formerly considered to belong to the same species as the western Bullock’s Oriole, under the combined name of Northern Oriole. Take a look around. You will be amazed whats in your back yard.

Spring is here, and it’s almost time to look for bird nests and baby birds. Learn what a baby oriole and juvenile oriole looks like.

Females and first-year males don’t have bright orange plumage like adult male Baltimore orioles. Juveniles tend to be more dull, with yellow-brown feathers.

If orioles are nesting in your yard, the reward comes when they bring their young to your feeders. During the breeding season, orioles focus on more protein-rich food, foraging mostly for insects to feed their young. But once the young orioles have fledged, the parents frequently bring them to visit feeders.

“Look deep into nature,

 and then you will understand everything better.”

Adult birds gathering food for the chicks

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

this is one of the most obvious clues, as food intended for adult birds would be gobbled up in an instant. Insects and earthworms hanging from the beak (or bill) is a dead giveaway. If you find a fledgling, the best course of action is to leave it alone. As awkward as a fledgling bird may look, this is natural stage, and the parents are most likely nearby, hunting for food and keeping watch. If the bird is in immediate danger, you can put it in a nearby bush or tree. Baby bird in shrub, peeks at the outside world for first time.

That time of year again. For at least part of the year, Baltimore orioles can be seen in the eastern United States and as far west as Montana. Migrating populations head south during the late summer to early fall and stay in the Southeast U.S., Central America, or South America until April. Their preferred habitat is open deciduous woodlands. The Baltimore oriole was named because its coloring is similar to the colors on the heraldic crest of Lord Baltimore. Here, they love grape jelly. Orioles don’t eat birdseed. You can mix the grape jelly with water to make it stretch a bit farther. Combine one part grape jelly to one part water in your blender and mix until it has the consistency of thick juice. From the East Side of Taunton, MA

Adult males are flame-orange and black, with a solid-black head and one white bar on their black wings. Females and immature males are yellow-orange on the breast, grayish on the head and back, with two bold white wing bars.

Orange halves and slices are a favorite oriole treat.

Fisher on the east side of Taunton


East side of Taunton, down by the Glen. May 6th

Fishers, sometimes called “fisher cats,” are elusive and often misunderstood creatures. Though they’ve gained a reputation as vicious predators, fishers are shy and solitary, preferring to avoid humans whenever possible. Because they are rarely seen, many people don’t know much about them. This has led to some common misconceptions about their behavior.

You may have heard the claim that fishers let out a blood-curdling scream before making a kill, but that is not the case. Making too much noise while hunting would alert prey to their presence, decreasing their chances of catching food. It would also let other predators and scavengers know that there is an easy meal to steal nearby.

While fishers do make a number of sounds, they tend to be quiet creatures. Most of their vocalizations are limited to quiet growls and chuckle-like grunts. They are able to make a screaming sound, but this is a very rare occurrence that only happens when the animals are under extreme stress or in unusual circumstances. However, the fisher above was wailing like a new born baby.

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Aggressive behavior toward people can be abnormal. Aggressive coyotes would include individuals that will not run from people and that growl or bark when approached. IR recording on the east side of Taunton, MA, down by the Glen

The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and science.

Maybe a Fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria toadstool) in Berkley, MA. Green Street area. Before you eat and what you see after.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.

Northern Mockingbird

“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” – Carl Sagan 
This bird’s famous song, with its varied repetitions and artful imitations, is heard all day during nesting season (and often all night as well). Very common in towns and cities, especially in southern areas, the Mockingbird often seeks insects on open lawns. When running in the open it may stop every few feet and partly spread its wings, flashing the white wing patches. Mockingbirds are bold in defense of their nests, attacking cats and even humans that venture too close.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted grosbeaks mostly stick to foraging for insects, seeds and fruit in the foliage of trees, but they will come to backyard feeders. Make sure your feeders are full during migration months, when they’ll need the most energy. Draw in these timid, stocky birds by setting up several feeders filled with birdseed or peanuts. Be sure to provide generous perching room. “A great way to attract rose-breasted grosbeaks to your yard is to offer black oil sunflower seeds in a platform, hopper or large tube feeder,”

Baltimore Oriole

One of the most brilliantly colored songbirds in the east, flaming orange and black, sharing the heraldic colors of the coat of arms of 17th-century Lord Baltimore.

Watch full video here: BACK YARD

There isn’t any harm in manipulating a photo; it only becomes so if you try to pass it off as real. In some cases, you’ll see a manipulated image that the photographer claims is real. This can be harmful since it’s viewed as real-life rather than an image with added artistic expression.  Photoshop, ON1, Topaz filters. The hummingbird and Dave and Linda on the Victory
Even NASA Does It

Oliver Mill Park

Each spring, primarily from mid-March to late May, herring make their annual trek from Narragansett Bay upstream into the Nemasket River.  Get the kids off their phones and video games and stop by Oliver mill Park.

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Filmed with GOPRO 11 and D850. Edited with Sony Vegas

March 21, 2023

I wish I were a Fish

April 9, 2019

Among insects, the praying mantis is believed to be the only one that sees in three dimensions, with depth, as humans do..

Praying mantis

Sometimes people misspell “praying mantis” as “preying mantis.” “Preying” mantis might actually be more appropriate, though, since the praying mantis can be a ferocious predator. Praying mantises are carnivorous insects. That means they eat other insects — and sometimes even small reptiles or birds — instead of plants. (more here)

(did you know)  Marie Curie died on July 4, 1934, of aplastic anemia. The cause for this is prolonged exposure to the radiation emitting from the test tubes of radium that she was known to carry around in the pocket of her lab coat.

 “If the rabble continues to occupy itself with you, then simply don’t read that hogwash, but rather leave it to the reptile for whom it has been fabricated.”  Albert Einstein’s Wonderful Letter of Support to Marie Curie in the Midst of Scandal


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ―Albert Einstein

“If you’re in trouble, run and hide deep in the creek where the crawdads sing like Ma always said.”

The term “umwelt” was first used by Baltic German biologist Jacob von Uexküll (1864–1944) to describe the part of the environment that an animal can actually perceive with its sense organs and nervous system. Animals display this concept in the wild, but the same behavior can be seen with domestic animals. Ed Yong, (The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. In An Immense World, Ed Yong coaxes us beyond the confines of our own senses to encounter beetles that are drawn to fires, turtles that can track the Earth’s magnetic fields, fish that fill rivers with electrical messages, and even humans who wield sonar like bats.)  (excerpt from Atomic Books)



Nonfiction is the order of the day. Usually. Nonfiction is a opportunity to find facts and knowledge.  However, we can’t fail to appreciate fiction though.  Since the dawn of humankind fiction has been a great importance.  Man has been bullshitting, I mean telling tall tales forever.. It has been proved that if we splurge 30 minutes on reading, it helps to decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological misery. As a result, reading  fiction works so well in soothing our body and easing the tension in our muscles. 


For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.   

Turkeys on the Glen

Diatoms Below

In 2002, the hit series Forensic Files featured the first case where Diatom evidence was used to place a suspect at the scene of the crime. The episode was called Reel Danger. Check it out

Diatoms are unicellular algae which form distinct and beautiful cell walls from silica. They are widely distributed throughout the upper layers of the oceans of the world, and can also be found in fresh water or moist environments, such as the undersides of plants. There are over 16,000 recognized diatom species, with many more being constantly identified. Because diatoms are so plentiful, they form an important part of the pelagic food chain, serving as a food source for most of the animals in the ocean, either directly or indirectly. which form distinct and beautiful cell walls from silica. They are widely distributed throughout the upper layers of the oceans of the world, and can also be found in fresh water or moist environments, such as the undersides of plants.  This group of unicellular, photosynthetic microorganisms is well-known for a wondrous, intricate architectural beauty. However, there is more to a diatom than simply its pretty face. As a major branch in the tree of life, over the past 250 million years from a mosaic of genetic sources it has evolved molecular metabolic machinery adaptive to a variety of circumstances, and it has generated a species diversity rivaling that of flowering plants. Diatoms have evolved to become important local and global players in recycling life’s critical nutrients, influencing the composition of the earth’s environments and powering the planet’s aquatic ecosystems, as well as elucidating their history. This web site focusses on their evolution and ecology.

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In 2002, the hit series Forensic Files featured the first case where Diatom evidence was used to place a suspect at the scene of the crime. The episode was called Reel Danger. Check it out

Diatoms are unicellular algae which form distinct and beautiful cell walls from silica. They are widely distributed throughout the upper layers of the oceans of the world, and can also be found in fresh water or moist environments, such as the undersides of plants. There are over 16,000 recognized diatom species, with many more being constantly identified. Because diatoms are so plentiful, they form an important part of the pelagic food chain, serving as a food source for most of the animals in the ocean, either directly or indirectly. which form distinct and beautiful cell walls from silica. They are widely distributed throughout the upper layers of the oceans of the world, and can also be found in fresh water or moist environments, such as the undersides of plants.  This group of unicellular, photosynthetic microorganisms is well-known for a wonderous, intricate architectural beauty. However, there is more to a diatom than simply its pretty face. As a major branch in the tree of life, over the past 250 million years from a mosaic of genetic sources it has evolved molecular metabolic machinery adaptive to a variety of circumstances, and it has generated a species diversity rivalling that of flowering plants. Diatoms have evolved to become important local and global players in recycling life’s critical nutrients, influencing the composition of the earth’s environments and powering the planet’s aquatic ecosystems, as well as elucidating their history. This web site focusses on their evolution and ecology.

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Song: Rocket Man by Pearls Before Swine

No one ever said they have to many computers. Not to mention the Desktops.  Windows 11, Windows 10, Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Cleaning day, along with updates.

“Ubuntu, because a computer is a terrible thing to waste.”

Keep Your Important Files Backed Up
Update Your Critical Software

The fans in your computer, assuming yours has any, need similar care so they can continue to keep the important components that are part of your computer nice and cool. If things get too hot, they stop working.

My choice is Bitdefender for anti-viurs, anti-malware. There is a free edition also with plenty of cybersecurity protections. Many are still using Windows 7. Special need for protection as support for Windows 7 has ended.


Black-crowned Night-Heron

Town Brook, Plymouth, MA

If disturbed, young black-crowned night herons may regurgitate their food onto the intruder.  The black-crowned night heron eats mostly small fish, amphibians, crustaceans and aquatic insects. It silently stalks its prey in shallow waters, then plunges into the water and grasps its prey in its bill. It feeds throughout the night to avoid competition with other herons.

Things you might see in Plymouth, Ma