There’s no secret, nor do I hide the fact that some of my Images on this site have been enhanced. From basic brightness and contrast to the extreme by using filters, masks, layers and other means to get the desired look I want. Granted, some shots are great “as is”, but not all. Heck, even Ansel Adam’s photograph “Moonrise” has, to some degree been enhanced. Do I manipulate my photos, (add eyes, wings, lightning, water, etc., sure I do on occasion, but not to deceive or mislead. I was creating double exposures to add items when I was 13 years old with a Minolta SRT101. I make it clear up front though, as in this post. Ask me about my photo editing. I will tell you what photos are enhanced. In competition however, nature and photo-journalism, along with documentary style photograph categories, never. All else, the whole lot goes. Below, White’s Factory, Acushnet, MA. Post editing with removal of the home and automobile.
You do to, without realizing it. A friend of mine had a grand image in the Berkshires, foliage. He told me it was right out of the camera that way. Sure was too. After examining his camera, I asked if he used the “SCENE” selector mode. Of course he did, the “FOLIAGE SETTING”. By the way, he was the same guy who moved some shells, added a piece of driftwood he carries with him, and added them to the beach scene photos. So, maybe now and again the manipulation begins before the photographer releases the shutter. Thousands of words and blogs are obtainable on the web resting on this topic. If I like the result of my photos, that’s all that matters. I do what makes me content, yes; but I also make sure I can humbly stand by the merits of my work as well. I try to capture the image with the best available light, which is only a few minutes a day, use a good lens, appropriate F-Stop, and a few different focal lengths for changing perspectives. Wide-angle lenses distort the scene, and telephoto lenses compress the view, but lets not get into photography class right now. My favorite lens, below. Yes, many better but great glass for an old lens for my D800, D600 (which is the best camera in the world) and some of older cameras, D2x, D200, D300, D700, which still produce great results when used properly. Oh, did I mention I still use an F-100 on occasion. Sticky back and all. It keeps me pure in the field. 
When I was developing my images in the bathroom darkroom, nobody ever questioned if I had manipulated them. But I did. My computer now makes the same tasks capable, and quicker, lots quicker. I have shown photographs with few or some light enhancements and have been questioned on the purity of the shot. “were you standing next to me when I took the picture?” And had no one questions me on lightning bolts flashing through the Cape Cod Canal. All manipulated. Oh, and what about “setup shots” I mentioned by my friend at the beach. Remember the sailor kissing the girl on a busy street in Times Square, or the famous shot of the American soldiers putting up the flag after they defeated the Japanese at Iwo Jima. Yup, set up shots.
Heck, I even manipulate some fun videos as well, as in the one below, the intro to “Chloe Dreams” They love this stuff