From 2017, Labor Day
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
No Further Than Your Backyard
My grandson’s first fish, Watson’s Pond, Taunton, MA. Around 1999. A fishing trip is much more than just going to catch fish. It teaches a child about patience, makes them aware of the sights and sounds of the outdoors, and provides a great sense of accomplishment from baiting a hook to catching that first fish. We all need to take the time to bring our children outside and teach them about taking ownership in caring for the natural environment.
1963, I was 8 years old, what a grand time. I believe my father knew he had only a brief opportunity to introduce me to the love of nature. Living only 100 meters from a beautiful river in the Taunton area, gave me the exposure that would last without end and make his task unproblematic. I crawled through mud and swamps while looking for any kind of creatures by the river banks. I constantly pressured my dad to take me fishing, spring, summer or fall. He would provide me a time that would commence the adventure. I stayed in a chair and relentlessly glanced at the clock on the wall and when the hands were just right on the face, I was at the door , geared up to go. We grew vegetables, I dug holes for imaginary canals in his garden climbed great trees and hiked. Watched turtles within feet of our back door laying their eggs. I was guilty of sneaking out on my own many a time unsupervised. I remember one day in the middle of winter, snow fell heavy and the wind was rattling the old windows, I saw a hare, what today i believe was a Snowshoe Hare. Barefoot, out the door before my grandmother could stop me.
64 years old now, and still the love of nature exists in my soul.
“The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.” ― Carl Sagan
Downy and HairyWoodpecker. I would say, Downy.
Look for a key difference in bill size. This is the easiest way to tell the two species apart.