Plant at least three different types of flowers in your bee garden to ensure blooms through as many seasons as possible. Select single flower tops. Multiple tops look great, but produce less nectar. You need only a small plot of land. Avoid using herbicides or pesticides in the bee garden.
Water Lilies
Water lilies maintain the well-being of the ponds they inhabit. They provide shade to keep the water temperature down during the hot summer months. Blocking out some sunlight, the lilies help to keep the algae growth down. Their shade also gives shelter to any fish that may be in the pond. They also absorb nutrients in the water that would normally feed undesirable green plants, keeping the water clear and clean-looking. Just a couple of miles from our home, the Jewel of the Pond is blooming quite lovely. Click on CONTINUE READING for images.
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Plymouth Eclipse With Jackson
What better place to spend the day, Plymouth, MA, waterfront. Especially on the “Great American Eclipse”, day. April 2024 will be the next one. I hope crickets will chirp and streetlights pop on during this one. Jackson, where were you on August 21, 2017 ?
There is no science in this world like physics. Nothing comes close to the precision with which physics enables you to understand the world around you. It’s the laws of physics that allow us to say exactly what time the sun is going to rise. What time the eclipse is going to begin. What time the eclipse is going to end. “Neil deGrasse Tyson”
If the sun were just a little bit bigger or the moon a bit farther away, total solar eclipses may never occur. But they do, and it turns out this celestial phenomenon that has changed human history, and our perspective of the universe, may be a sheer coincidence. So until 2024, REMEMBER: Looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon, can cause serious eye damage or blindness. NEVER look at a partial solar eclipse without proper eye protection.
Who Am I
The Potholes: Not ‘glacial,’ ?
The Potholes, Not ‘Glacial”, sorry folks (read more)
“Illusions can be pleasant, but the rewards of truth are enormously better.”
― Sean Carroll, The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself
And of course, The Bridge of Flowers
It strikes me that all our knowledge about the structure of our Earth is very much like what an old hen would know of the hundred-acre field in a corner of which she is scratching.
Charles Darwin
From wintering grounds in South America to Nelson Park
Back in Plymouth MA, Nelson Park, again for more Osprey viewing. Great day too. One image below shows a Banded Osprey. Click to enlarge. The images were pushing the distance on my lens, so the quality is somewhat missing. There is enough stress in our environment without me adding to it. And of course, Chloe and I last weekend. Chloe will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about our Environment, then on the way home, she will write a narrative on our adventure. Oh, did I tell you, she is only 8 years old.
(below) this is what I see through my eyes.
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!”
One of the biggest factors in monarch decline is the increasing scarcity of its only caterpillar host plant: milkweed. Or is it? Lack of milkweed may not be the only culprit.
Monarch collecting nectar on milkweed, Oliver Mill Park, Middleboro, MA
Monarch and Honey Bee