How do you spell ‘love’?”
“You don’t spell it…you feel it.”
“Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”
For me, it’s driving over the Sagamore Bridge in an unusual heavy snow storm to reach Chatham a drive of over 90 miles, before a special store closes . The owner, a pleasant women, was getting ready to secure the doors over an hour early due to weather, when I explained what I was here for. She smiled and whispered with a friendly grin, “come in”. You must have someone special at home to drive in this weather under these circumstances and for so many miles. I didn’t have to answer, she saw my reply in my eyes. As she packaged my treasure, she wished me a safe trip back. I said Happy Holidays, and she replied back the same. As I was walking out the door, she explained how she was suppose to close earlier in the day but lost track of time. I was glad she didn’t.
December 25th. “A hug is always the right size.”