When I grow up, I want to be a Scientist just like Hollywood actors, sports figures and politicians along with some of my friends who insist the Earth is only 2500 years old.

“Frederick Douglass taught that literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom, but reading is still the path.”
― Carl Sagan

Kill Devil Hills-Kitty Hawk to the Moon

Only 66 Years Separated The First Successful Plane Flights And Moon Landings. Imagine what’s next.

In my life time, I would very much hope scientists would find the answers to the mysterious substance known as Dark Matter,  the theory that has eluded astronomers for decades. Physicists have been trying for years to determine the nature of these matter particles, which do not emit light and are therefore invisible to the human eye.

During 1971, in high school, we debated black holes in science class.  Recently, my 8 year old granddaughter asked me what I was reading.  Sean Carrol’s, The Big Picture was on my night stand. In one chapter, black holes were described. Chloe began to explain black holes to me with detail not your average 8 year old would. Now that’s a proud moment.  She is a prolific reader as well as writer of some great ‘scary stories’. She also loves to write scripts for our videos. Much thanks to Atlantis Charter School. Although I hope my love of nature, science and photography had some impression.

From an earlier post: Chloe using Microscopes

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”




Are you a vegetarian.

Are you a vegetarian, you might be after this.  Mice will nest and scavenge anywhere. Late one night we opened the lid on the Grill. As Jim Nabors would say,  “surprise, surprise surprise” .  4 little guys scampering about inside the grill looking for leftovers.  So, I couldn’t grab my camera quick enough to show you the little bastards. So, set up a trap, and set camera in the area. Only a few hours later,  here is one of them. So, how long has this been going on. And low and behold, mouse droppings  inside of grill. We used the grill almost every day in the summer.  Now, it’s just me using the grill. After I showed the video,  Everybody uses the stove.

Click here for our little friend


Storm Grayson 2018

High winds and lots of snow left my bird feeders in need of repair. So, a temporary fix is needed as soon as possible. In the mean time, lets see what we have going on in the back yard. An upside down  coal scuttle and split log will be the feeder for now. Toss some Black oil sunflower seeds ( high concentration of oil, which is especially important in the winter) and enjoy the view.

At rare sight until recently in SE Massachusetts, the Red-bellied Woodpecker makes a grand appearance.

As annoying as they can be, while dressed for winter, the European Starling, below, is covered in what seems to be sparkling white spots during winter.


Northern Cardinals below,  hve reputation of  getting more people to bird watch than any other bird. Everyone  recognizes the shade of red you can’t take your eyes off. Did you know: Its not unusual to see a male cardinal attacking its reflection in a window, car mirror, or shiny bumper fiercely defending their territory against any intruders. A female below, shares the seed with other  birds.







Out the window

One good thing living in North Dighton country side,  you don’t have to go to far for some wonderful nature viewing. Just look out your window, it  comes to you. These images were all within a few hours.




Separation Anxiety ?

Mayflower II is owned by Plimoth Plantation and is undergoing a multi-year restoration in the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard at Mystic Seaport. The restoration of the nearly 60-year-old wooden ship is being carried out over several years with the project scheduled for completion in 2019. The purpose is to prepare the ship for the 400th anniversary in 2020 of the Pilgrims’ arrival in 1620. So, below I added a few images to let you refresh your memory.