“Time Enough at Last”
Remember Henry Bemis, a bookish little man with thick horn-rimmed glasses wants only one thing out of life; the time to read. Fortunately the Series of Unfortunate Events in Henry’s life is fiction. His lot in life was permanent. Ours is not. Even as corona-virus (2019-NCoV) surrounds us in trepidation and apprehension for now, there will be a welcome conclusion soon. Isolate,self-quarantine or simply practice social distancing are some advice. So, Time enough at last is upon us. Make of it what you will. For me, reading is the order of the day. Usually at arms’ length, are Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Richard Dawkins, Sean Carroll, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Nick Lane, etc. A few days ago, they were to be found back in the book case. As John Prine said, “I’m across the river on the other side of town
In my mind I’m on the other side of town”. I needed to go some place far away and fiction was the finest initiative. When I was a kid, I only read books and magazines resting on science or nature. Then one day, I found a treasure trove concealed in our attic. The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, On the Beach, Nevil Shute, Johnny Got His Gun, by Dalton Trumbo. and many other great finds as well, including John Steinbeck, Harper Lee, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, Mark Twain to name a few. Years later I found out the previous owners son, was an avid reader. Soon my science, nature books and magazines, gathered dust, but only temporarily.
So, these are the order of the day for now.